Fierce Love and Art: An Interview with the Film’s Creator

In this remarkable interview, Dr. Laurence Becker is joined by cinematographer Ron Zimmerman for an inside look into the film Fierce Love and Art. The film, narrated by Dr. Temple Grandin, shares the stories of 9 world-famous artists, who had the support of “fierce love” parents who didn’t give up on helping them to find their hidden talents. Within what Dr. Becker calls his “field trip,” the interview delves into the history behind the film, the delightful friendship that has evolved through the years between Dr. Becker and cinematographer Ron Zimmerman, and the various works of art created by these talented individuals, with some original pieces of the art featured in the film shown live in the interview. The session highlights the innate talent and ability that is present in all individuals and gives families dealing with the most severe effects of autism hope for the future of their children.


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