Ron Sandison, MDiv: Overcoming a Hopeless Complex- Autism & Mental Health

80% of people with autism experience depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. Depression and isolation can lead to a hopeless complex. A hopeless complex hinders growth and independence, creates fear of the future, and can cause regression of previous learned skills. Professionals, individuals with autism, and parents will learn practical ways to create a hope complex by developing a healthy self-efficiency mindset. Sandison shares his own journey with autism and depression and how he overcame a hopeless complex by developing self-determination. A hope complex empowered Ron to have a career in the mental health field, a family, and a national platform in the autism community.


Yasmine White: Autism and the Power of Music Music: The Non-Directive Approach and Paths to Communication


Carol Weinman, Esq., C.A.S: How Autism & Sexuality → Crime & Arrest