Welcome to the US Autism Association’s Video Streaming Library Subscription.

Your subscription is valid for 12 months from your date of registration.




Professional Development / CEU Certificates

To obtain a Continuing Education Unit or Professional Development certificate, you MUST fill out a CEU Individual Session Evaluation Form for EACH session you attend. These forms are available in the Video Streaming Library, listed with each session. To find sessions that are CEU-eligible, you can search for category “CEUs” or go to this page. When you have viewed and filled out CEU Individual Session Evaluation Forms for each of the sessions you’d like to, and you’re ready to receive your certificate, fill out the CEU Certificate Request Form. Certificates will be issued via email. You can view the full conference policy on CEUs here. Your feedback is invaluable in improving US Autism Association events for all – thank you!

Upcoming events.

Check the event calendar for upcoming webinars and other US Autism Association events.