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An international lecturer and graduate of the Ivy League’s Brown University with a degree in Biomedical Ethics, Raun K. Kaufman is the author of the book Autism Breakthrough and the co-creator of the ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround) protocol, which pioneered the concept of the Neuro-Crash. 

The former CEO of an international autism training non-profit, Raun has spent more than 25 years developing innovative heart-led autism approaches built around a true understanding the autistic brain, nervous system, psyche, and experience and has worked with families and educators from over 100 different countries. 

As a child, he was diagnosed with so-called “severe” (non-speaking) autism and recommended for lifelong institutionalization. Instead, his parents worked with him in a totally new way they developed, enabling him to blossom, grow, and, ultimately, accomplish everything his parents were promised he would not. A best-selling book and award-winning television movie were made about his journey. 

He has been interviewed by media such as National Public Radio, BBC Television, Fox News Channel, The London Telegraph, and People Magazine and lectures throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Raun is a member of the US Autism Association Advisory Board.


Temple Grandin, Ph.D.


Nadia Aldrich