No Pushing, No Battles, No Meltdowns: Education Best Practices Using the Language of Autism

In this eye-opening, fast-paced session, author and autism thought leader Raun K. Kaufman, who is a US Autism Association Advisory Board member, explains, in detail, how we can educate our loved ones on the spectrum and truly enable them to grow... without the pushing and the battles (which lead to meltdowns) that we so often experience. Grounding it all in the primacy of relationships in the learning process (especially given the understanding of autism as a social-relational challenge/difference), Raun shines a light on how what we do to, with, and for our child/adult actually feels for them on the inside. (This is particularly helpful given that Raun has actually been where our children are.) He elucidates how we can use this knowledge to change the learning process (the timing, the style, the approach, the environment, even the goals) to eliminate alienation, stress, overstimulation, friction, and conflict by communicating and teaching in "the language of autism."

Articles and Further Information


Critical Elements of Effective Language-Based Educational Interventions For Children With Autism


Approaches to Autism, S1E1: One Non-Speaker’s Observations