Approaches to Autism, S1E8: Soma Rapid Prompting Method (RPM)

Do you know a non-vocal child on the autism spectrum? Our very own US Autism Association Advisory Board member and Non-Vocal Advocate Sameer Dahar and US Autism Association Advisory Board members Dr. Stephen Shore and Rob Bernstein are joined by Erika Anderson to discuss the RPM method. Erika is a Certified RPM provider and the only apprentice to Soma Mukhopadhyay, the RPM method founder. In this session, both Erika and Sameer discuss the specific reasons why RPM gives some non-vocal individuals on the autism spectrum a better method for communication. Expertly moderated by US Autism Association Advisory Board member Theresa Wrangham, this episode is extra special as Sameer Dahar, who is a student of the RPM Method and is a non-vocal person on the autism spectrum, together with his teacher Erika, shares his own behind-the-scenes look at the RPM approach.


Approaches to Autism, S1E7: Animal Assisted Interventions


Cognition and Intelligence in Autism