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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes



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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Robert J. Bernstein, MA: The Bernstein Cognitive Method for Autism

“Part of the beauty of Bernstein Cognitive Method for Autism is its simplicity: it evaluates and works with children in their everyday environments.” “Departing from the traditional behavioral approach to working with children with autism, Bernstein’s method seeks to understand and modify thinking processes...” Stephen Shore

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Gil Tippy, Psy.D.- Good Special Rights Education is Just Good Education

This presentation will focus on the challenges facing the Special Rights community within the context of the currently predominant educational paradigm. Particular attention will be paid to ways consumers could tell when a program will lead to developmental growth, and meaningful competitive employment and higher education after graduation.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Sameer Dahar- My Reality with Autism

In this short video, US Autism Association Advisory Board Member Sameer Dahar shares a few thoughts with us about his difficulties along his journey as he makes his way through college. With profound insight into what autism feels like from the insider's perspective, Sameer gives us some new insights into the more severe and non-vocal side of the autism journey.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Panel: Autism and the Arts

In this session, panelists will highlight the importance of including the arts in all areas of life for those on the autism spectrum. With a special focus on what is known about brain development for those with autism, this panel will highlight the various art forms in use therapeutically in the treatment of autism and will discuss why the arts are effective in addressing the needs of those on the autism spectrum.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Panel: Transition Planning

This panel features the US Autism Association’s transition specialists in a topic intended to help those supporting an individual on the autism spectrum as they prepare to leave home and either attend college or join the workforce.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Panel: Tips and Strategies for the Classroom

Featuring the most seasoned educators of the US Autism Association, this session will provide an in-depth discussion covering some of the best real-world tips and strategies for use in the classroom.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Michael McManmon, Ed.D. and Dan McManmon: From Learning to Earning: Transitioning into the Workforce with Autism

This presentation is designed to empower adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum and those who work with them as they navigate the complexities of preparing for and entering the workforce. This session introduces the concept of the Career Continuum, guiding participants through stages from community service to employment, emphasizing the development of crucial soft skills and real-world experience.

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