Monica C. Moya, Esq. and Katherine Almendinger, with Sara Bradford- Therapist Mission One for Autistic Clients by Autistic Women
Lack of belonging is one of the top reasons Autistic women who attempt suicide cite as the reason for doing so. Many of us recall having the feeling of being different before even starting kindergarten. Some of us even experienced suicidal ideation at that young age. Realizing Autism is the source of that feeling, whether through self or formal diagnosis, is just the first step in healing. Knowing you are not alone is the next. In this session, hear how two Autistic women's lives changed once they were diagnosed and found community. Learn, as well, why they believe that Mission One for a therapist with an Autistic client, whether formally of self-diagnosed, should be to tell that client about the welcoming and vibrant Autistic community to which that person belongs.