BG Mancini, AP, FMP, MHS- Wellness in Autism: Complex Relationships in Gut/Brain Health

In this session, Dr. BG Mancini and US Autism President Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman share their combined expertise on the topic of wellness in autism. Beginning with heightened sensory responding and carrying through to cover interoception and reactivity within Porges' polyvagal theory, this session explains how disruption along the gut-brain continuum affects physical, social, behavioral, and even cognitive wellness, with recommendations for treatment.


Ezra: A Ron Zimmerman and US Autism Association Exclusive Interview with Tony Spiridakis, Tony Goldwyn, and Elaine Hall


Amir Arami- A Broader Lens for Understanding Neurodiversity: Autism and Traumatic Brain Injury Correlations, Insights, and Outcomes