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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes



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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

BG Mancini, AP, FMP, MHS- Wellness in Autism: Complex Relationships in Gut/Brain Health

In this session, Dr. BG Mancini and US Autism President Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman share their combined expertise on the topic of wellness in autism. Beginning with heightened sensory responding and carrying through to cover interoception and reactivity within Porges' polyvagal theory, this session explains how disruption along the gut-brain continuum affects physical, social, behavioral, and even cognitive wellness, with recommendations for treatment.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Brittyn Coleman- Nourish & Flourish: Tailoring Nutrition to Sensory Needs to Help Kids Thrive

This session is designed to empower both parents and professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to nutritionally support children on the autism spectrum. This presentation focuses on the intersection of nutrition and sensory needs, providing actionable strategies for improving dietary variety and nutritional intake in a way that respects and accommodates unique sensory preferences.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Theodore Henderson, M.D., Ph.D.: Illuminating Pathways to a Healthy Brain

In this session Dr. Theodore Henderson will discuss the problem with current treatments for Traumatic brain injury/concussion/CTE, Parkinson’s disease, Depression, Autism, PTSD, Post-COVID Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and ADHD and will propose an alternative, non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatment to improve brain function.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Phillip C. DeMio, M.D.: Comorbidities in Autism

Intense discussion has continued over generations as to whether Autism is a purely psychiatric disorder vs. whether it has a nonpsychiatric medical basis. In “Comorbidities in Autism”, Dr. DeMio discusses evidence on both sides of the argument in order to offer participants information on this ongoing subject.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Approaches to Autism, Season 2, Episode 5: Cannabidiol (CBD)

In this informative episode in the US Autism Association's ongoing Approaches to Autism Series, Dr. Ronald Aung-Din, practicing Neurologist & Neuro-Psychiatrist, shares exciting findings from numerous clinical trials on the use of cannabidiol (CBD), delivered through Neuro-Direct Technology™. If you have ever wanted to understand and/or explore CBD for Autism, this session is sure to provide you with the science behind this unique method of intervention.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Approaches to Autism, Season 2, Episode 3: Exploring the Ayurvedic SuPrA Protocol

This Approaches to Autism episode takes us to India, where Dr. Philip DeMio and Robert Bernstein discuss Ayurvedic interventions with Dr. Vaidya M. Prasad. This session is an amazing opportunity to learn about exciting, new, and alternative ways to better meet the needs of your autistic friends, family, students, or clients, or just watch it for yourself!

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