The US Autism Association has always been able to bring in the world’s top experts because we firmly believe that to understand autism, we must draw from the expertise of those who are diagnosed. For this reason, the US Autism Association draws heavily from its Advisory Board, a majority of whom are either parents of those diagnosed or diagnosed as on the autism spectrum themselves. View over a hundred world-renowned speakers available with the Video Streaming Library Subscription, or take a look at all of the sessions available in the Video Streaming Library.
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Patty Laushman
Patty Laushman is the founder and head coach of Thrive Autism Coaching. She is a Certified Autism Coach through AANE, a 14-year program that has coached 3,000+ teens and adults on the autism spectrum through their LifeMAP (Life Management Assistance) program.
Wenn Lawson, Ph.D.
Dr. Wenn Lawson of Australia, autistic lecturer, psychologist, researcher, advocate, writer, and poet, has passionately shared professional and personal knowledge of autism over the past 3 decades.
BG Mancini AP, FMP, MHS
BG Mancini is an Acupuncture Physician, a leader in Neurodevelopmental education and a Functional Medicine Practitioner.
Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
Dr. Michael McManmon founded the College Internship Program (CIP) in 1984. Prior to Founding CIP, he worked for state, private and non-profit organizations in several states and was certified as a family teacher through the Boys Town Center in Nebraska.
Wendela Whitcomb Marsh, MA, RSD
Wendela Whitcomb Marsh is an award-winning author, sought-after speaker, and autism expert specializing in late-diagnosed autism. Following a long and fulfilling career in education, she took early retirement to write. She has had eight books about autism published since then, garnering 6 prestigious book awards so far.
Michaela Minnear
Michaela (she/they) is an AuDHD music therapist and child life specialist working with children, adolescents and young adults with a wide variety of disabilities at Voices Together in Eastern North Carolina. As a music therapist, Michaela prioritizes honoring the autonomy and individuality of each client they work with, regardless of disability, diagnosis, or support needs.
Monica C. Moya, Esq.
Nigel Rising has worked in the financial services industry for thirty years, specifically compliance and surveillance. Past employers include Charles Schwab, USAA and AIG. Among her proudest accomplishments is creating an entire compliance department for a national financial services firm essentially from scratch.
Mickey Rowe
As an autistic and multiply disabled person Mickey Rowe (he/him) believes that when we design for accessibility, we help everyone to perform at their best, not just disabled folks. Mickey was the founding Artistic Director of National Disability Theatre, and is the award-winning, best-selling author of Fearlessly Different.
Stephen Shore, Ed.D.
Diagnosed with "Atypical Development and strong autistic tendencies" and "too sick" for outpatient treatment, Dr. Shore was recommended for institutionalization. Nonverbal until four, and with much support from his parents, teachers, wife, and others, Stephen is now a professor at Adelphi University where his research focuses on matching best practice to the needs of people with autism.
Ron Sandison, MDiv
Ron Sandison works full time in the medical field and is a professor of theology at Destiny School of Ministry. He is an advisory board member of the Art of Autism and the Els Center of Excellence.
Jessie A. Saperstein
Jesse A. Saperstein is considered one of the most respected leaders in the Anti-Bullying movement of his generation. He also has a form of autism called Asperger's syndrome (AS) that gives individuals some profound talents and challenges.
Marlo Payne Thurman, Ph.D.
Holding doctoral level degrees in both School Psychology and Special Education, Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman currently sits on numerous advisory boards and is the President and Chairwoman of the US Autism Association.
David Wall
David Wall began the late-identified autistic journey at age 49 after a life-changing conversation with a neurodivergent comedy class teacher led to working with an expert in adult autism. David has since seen a significant improvement in quality of life and has advocated for autism.
Angela Weddle
Angela N. Weddle is a professional visual artist who is autistic with cerebral palsy and congenital right hemisphere brain damage. Weddle is a neurological anomaly and savant, who is not supposed to have any artistic ability but always has.
Carol Weinman, Esq., C.A.S.
Carol Weinman is an attorney, autism expert, international speaker, mediator, author and parent.
Theresa Wrangham
Theresa became a parent advocate as a result of her youngest daughter's life-threatening asthma, as well as her oldest daughter's diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. She views health holistically and brings an experienced parent's perspective on raising healthy children affected by asthma and ASD to her advocacy work.
Rabbi Dr. Tzemah Yoreh
Rabbi Dr. Tzemah Yoreh is one of the intellectual leaders of Jewish humanism and the head of the City Congregation in New York city.
Ron Zimmerman, Producer-Director
Ron Zimmerman is a lifelong journalist working for CBS, ABC, Fox and CNN. His live reporting has appeared on Good Morning America, World News Tonight, 20/20 and the BBC’s Horizon and Panorama.