The Learning Style Profile for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Approach: A Practical Application of ASD Empirical Research

The primary purpose of this session with Dr. Patrick J. Rydell is to assist viewers in understanding the interrelationships among social-communication, learning styles, and independent thinking in children with autism spectrum disorders. As we mentor our children at home, in the community, and at school, we ask the question, “Who’s Doing the Thinking?” Are we prompting and directing our children to perform skills based on pre-determined criteria or are we mentoring our children to “look up and around” and independently learn from the many social, communication, behavioral and interactional cues available in the social context. Discussion involves how to move children with ASD from learning style weaknesses to learning style strengths based on the Learning Style Profile for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Rydell, 2012).


The Importance of Providing Authentic Individualized Programming


Reshaping The Family: Co-Parenting A Child On The Spectrum