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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes



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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Autism and Aging

US Autism Association Advisory Board member Dr. Wenn Lawson, a well-respected Australian psychologist and highly knowledgeable expert on autism who is also on the autism spectrum himself, gives information about growing up with autism and mind and body awareness. Dr. Lawson discusses neurodiversity and how the brains of those on the spectrum age.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Dispelling the Myth of Intellectual Disability in Autism

In this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Sameer Dahar, non-vocal autism expert and advisory board member of the US Autism Association discusses his unique insights and perspectives on sensory processing, language development, and learning for diagnosed individuals who are primarily non-vocal with his colleague and friend Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

A Voice for Everyone

Vicki Clarke, Speech Language Pathologist and AAC Specialist, discusses communication, speech, and the tools we use to help individuals with Autism develop speech and language skills.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

The Importance of Providing Authentic Individualized Programming

This session focuses on strategies to develop an individualized IEP and analyze the results. Suellen Inwood, director of a unique school that emphasizes authentic individualized education plans for all students, also explains the importance of understanding that a full team is needed to facilitate the development of an IEP that accurately provides an individualized education plan and program.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Uniquely Normal: Tapping the Reservoir of Normalcy to Treat Autism

Drawing from the topics of his book Uniquely Normal, and on his experience as an autism consultant and brother to an adult man on the autism spectrum, Rob Bernstein shares his perspectives on tapping into the various areas of strength, interest, and normalcy to better understand, interact with, and address the needs of individuals on the autism spectrum.

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