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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes
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Assessments and Diagnoses: A Discussion with US Autism President Marlo Payne Thurman and Advisory Board Member Theresa Wrangham
Viewers will learn about some of the key elements of a high quality assessment and will gain an understanding about why a good assessment matters.
Temple Grandin, Ph.D. Keynote: Great Minds Are Not All the Same
The training will give the attendees a better understanding of autism. They will learn how people with autism think. They will also gain a better understanding of problems with both sensory over sensitivity that many people on the spectrum experience. The presentation will be based on both Dr. Grandin’s experiences with autism and scientific research.
The Heterogeneity of Autism: The Need to Consider Subtypes for Research
In this cutting-edge session, leading researcher (and mother of an autistic adult) Dr. Valerie Hu shares her life-long research on subtypes of autism.
Temple Grandin is a member of the US Autism Association's Advisory Board, and is a featured speaker in the Video Streaming Library - the largest autism-focused streaming library in the world.
Autism and Intelligence: How are They Related?
Dr. Bernard Crespie, Dr. Richard Williams, and Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman discuss the topics of evolution, genetics, and biology as they pertain to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The Sensory Basis of Learning and Cognition in Autism
In this session Dr. Richard O. Williams shares his life-long passion for autism research to give foundation to a discussion about sensory differences and their connection to memory, learning, and cognition for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Dispelling the Myth of Intellectual Disability in Autism
In this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Sameer Dahar, non-vocal autism expert and advisory board member of the US Autism Association discusses his unique insights and perspectives on sensory processing, language development, and learning for diagnosed individuals who are primarily non-vocal with his colleague and friend Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman.
Cognition and Intelligence in Autism
In this session, Dr. Marlo Payne Thurman, President of the US Autism Association, Jeffrey Freed, author of the popular book Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World and autistic himself, and Dr. Richard Williams, autism expert, researcher, and parent of an adult daughter with autism discuss the complex topic of cognition and intellectual ability in autism.
The Learning Style Profile for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Approach: A Practical Application of ASD Empirical Research
The primary purpose of this session with Dr. Patrick J. Rydell is to assist viewers in understanding the interrelationships among social-communication, learning styles, and independent thinking in children with autism spectrum disorders.
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