BG Mancini AP, FMP, MHS: The Critical Connection Between The Body, Brain, And Microtraumas in Autism

This session will explore what is known through research about the way the Gut, Brain, and Nervous System are all working together at all times, nourishing and informing each other in real time. Current research shows the similarities in gut microbiomes and diagnosis such as Autism. Factors that contribute to a dysregulated gut include stress and trauma, we will look at a list of internal and external microtraumas that act as continuous stressors to the Autonomic Nervous System and make connection and interaction more challenging Finally, we'll discuss ways to nurture not only the Autistic nervous system, but also the collective Family Nervous System through the vagus nerve system.


Approaches to Autism, Season 3, Episode 1: The Bernstein Cognitive Method for Autism


Voices Together: An Evidence-Based Music Therapy Model