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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes
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Assessments and Diagnoses: A Discussion with US Autism President Marlo Payne Thurman and Advisory Board Member Theresa Wrangham
Viewers will learn about some of the key elements of a high quality assessment and will gain an understanding about why a good assessment matters.
Marcia Eckerd, Ph.D.: Why Autistic Women Aren’t Diagnosed, and How to Do a Neurodiversity-Affirming Diagnosis
This session will cover why women are missed when they can have as many autistic traits as men, and why autistic women experience so much distress. We’ll cover how to do a neurodiversity affirming diagnosis still using DSM-V-TR and whether an official diagnosis is necessary.
Would You Know an Autistic Woman if You Saw One?
Dr. Marcia Eckerd shares her method for diagnosing autism in women and discusses why masking, stereotypes, and traditional assessment methods all have prevented many female teens and adult women from receiving proper diagnosis.
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