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Michael Beloff, CFP®, ChSNC®: Government Benefits for Special Needs Families
In this session, Michael Beloff provides in-depth and detailed information about available government benefits and how these can be accessed for families with special needs children and adults.
Housing Options for Individuals with Disabilities
Financial planning expert Michael Beloff details a wide range of housing options and discusses the challenges and complexities of finding and holding on to suitable housing for individuals with disabilities.
Working While Receiving Government Benefits for Individuals with Disabilities
Michael Beloff, Financial Planner and father of a young adult with ASD, shares his wealth of expertise to help individuals who receive government benefits and want to work.
Life Planning: A Primer for Families with Individuals on the Autism Spectrum
Michael Beloff, US Autism Association Advisory Board member, financial planner, and father of a young adult with ASD, shares his wealth of expertise on the topic of life planning for those on the autism spectrum.
Accessing Government Benefits during COVID-19
CFP Michael Beloff shares his unique and personal expertise on the topic of accessing government benefits for individuals on the autism spectrum. Through his unique lens as both a parent of a diagnosed child and an expert in financial planning for the needs of those on the spectrum, Michael brings a wealth of information along with practical steps and timelines to consider when exploring SSI and SSDI for autistic individuals.
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