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US Autism Association Summit: Meltdowns and Neuro-Crashes



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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Gil Tippy, Psy.D.- Good Special Rights Education is Just Good Education

This presentation will focus on the challenges facing the Special Rights community within the context of the currently predominant educational paradigm. Particular attention will be paid to ways consumers could tell when a program will lead to developmental growth, and meaningful competitive employment and higher education after graduation.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Approaches to Autism, S1E6: Floortime

In this continuing series created to specifically compare and contrast the various intervention methods for individuals on the autism spectrum, Theresa Wrangham, moderator and US Autism Association Advisory Board member, interviews Advisory Board members Dr. Stephen Shore and Rob Bernstein, and Floortime experts, Dr. Gil Tippy (also a US Autism Association Advisory Board member) and Bridget Henn. This session is sure to provide in-depth information and offer valuable insight about Floortime and its usefulness for individuals on the autism spectrum.

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Sam Weismann Sam Weismann

Good Autism Education is Just Good Education

Dr. Gil Tippy has been a classroom teacher, a psychologist in schools, or both, for more than 40 years. He is one of the founders of the Rebecca School in New York City, where he was the Clinical Director for 13 years.

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